Winners 2023

We're thrilled to announce the winners of the 2023 BirdLife Australia Photography Awards! 

The 2023 competition saw over 6,000 entries from some of Australia’s best bird photographers – and after much deliberation, our judges have decided the nine winners of each category from a shortlist of 68 photos. Congratulations to this year’s winners!

A huge thank you to Nikon Australia and Lake Cowal Foundation for sponsoring the 2023 Awards. 

Portfolio Prize

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

A compilation of up to six photos of Australian birds, each connected in theme, location or subject matter. Together, they tell a compelling story.

Where there is smoke there is fire by Martin Anderson

Photographer statement: In order to capture this sequence I spend two full days per week for a two month period, at the same location, observing and learning the behaviours of the Spotted Harriers in the Richmond area of NSW. I became quite attuned to their daily routine and achieved many close up flight shots. On this day however, the Spotted Harrier came from an unexpected direction, at an unexpected time and it brought unexpected company with it – a Brown Falcon. I had absolutely no time to make settings changes, thankfully they were in the ball park.

The portfolio consists of a sequence of images that I was lucky to capture of a Brown Falcon trying to steal a free meal from a Spotted Harrier. The Spotted Harrier (Smoke Hawk) had just captured a Golden-headed Cisticola, and this did not go unnoticed by the Brown Falcon perched in a nearby tree. The Spotted Harrier was doing its best to hide the kill in its plumage as it flew gracefully across the field, when the Brown Falcon (one of Australia's Fire Hawks) flew in to steal the prize. An interesting battle ensued and the prize fell to the ground unclaimed, the Harrier asserted dominance and the Brown Falcon left in defeat.


Backyard Birds

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs of backyard bird species.


Bird Behaviour

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs capturing bird behaviours – including feeding, courtship, playing, fighting, preening and socialising.


Bird Portrait

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs where the bird is the star of the show!


Birds in Flight

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs of birds doing what they do best – flying!


Birds in the Landscape

Sponsored by Lake Cowal Foundation

Photographs of birds in the context of their natural environment.


Special Theme: Wading Birds of The Australian Floodplains

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs depicting one or more wading waterbird species.




Photographers under the age of 18.

Human Impact

Sponsored by Nikon Australia

Photographs that show the relationship between humans and birds, both positive and negative.

Content warning: please be advised that photos in this category depict sensitive content, including images of dead and injured birds. Viewer discretion is advised.


Special thanks to our 2023 Judges: Michael Snedic, Tim Van Leeuwen, Josh Galicki, Lia Bocchiaro, Georgina Steytler,
Charles Davis and Shelly Pearson